Grain Projects
Hamby lab research and extension efforts work to address the insect pest management needs of grain producers. In particular, we are working to better understand current insect pest pressure and distribution in Maryland grain crops to improve the efficacy and efficiency of pest management approaches. We are evaluating the economic benefits and non-target impacts of commonly used insecticides. In addition, we address emerging pest issues such as slug as pests of no-till grain crops and management of Dectes stem borer in soybeans. For more information on grain pest management, see articles below.
Seed treatments are one of the most convenient and economical ways to protect a wide variety of crops from pests. Neonicotinoid insecticides have lower mammalian toxicity and seed treatments provide less exposure to the applicator, making them much safer for workers than previous at planting insecticides. Commonly used neonicotinoid seed treatments include Cruiser ® (thiamethoxam, Syngenta), Gaucho (imidacloprid, Bayer), and Poncho (clothianidin, Bayer) and some of these formulations are registered for use on wheat, corn, and soybeans, though the rate varies by crop and pest targeted. These insecticides are important for targeting early season and below ground pests. However, repeated use of neonicotinoid treated seed from year to year and crop to crop can result in pests developing resistance. Recently, potential negative impacts on beneficial organisms including non-target impacts on soil organisms include earthworms and bacteria, beneficial microbes, and beneficial invertebrates have also become a concern.
Therefore, we are performing studies to determine when and where insecticides, including foliar, seed and in-furrow applications, provide economic benefits in Maryland grain crops.
Therefore, we are performing studies to determine when and where insecticides, including foliar, seed and in-furrow applications, provide economic benefits in Maryland grain crops.
For Hamby Lab extension articles regarding grain pest management:
Optimizing Early Season Pest Management for Maryland Field Corn (pdf)
Scout for Aphids in Small Grains (pdf)
Managing Slugs in Field Crops Using IPM Principles (pdf)
Dectes Stem Borer Management in Soybeans (pdf)
How Bad is Bad? Soybean Defoliation and New Tools for Assessing It (pdf)
In Dry Weather, Watch for Silk-Clipping Insects in Corn (pdf)
At-Planting Treatments for Controlling Early-Season Insect Pests in Corn (pdf)
Pyrethroid Insecticide Effects on Pests and Beneficials in Field Corn (pdf)
Arrest These Early Season Soil Critters: Wireworm and White Grub Management (pdf)
Do Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments Impact Soil Health and Quality in Grain Crops? (pdf)
Evaluating Impacts of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments on Pests, Beneficial Arthropods, and Yield in Grain Crop Rotations (pdf)
Sorghum Growers Encouraged to Keep an Eye Out for Sugarcane Aphid this Season (pdf)
Optimizing Early Season Pest Management for Maryland Field Corn (pdf)
Scout for Aphids in Small Grains (pdf)
Managing Slugs in Field Crops Using IPM Principles (pdf)
Dectes Stem Borer Management in Soybeans (pdf)
How Bad is Bad? Soybean Defoliation and New Tools for Assessing It (pdf)
In Dry Weather, Watch for Silk-Clipping Insects in Corn (pdf)
At-Planting Treatments for Controlling Early-Season Insect Pests in Corn (pdf)
Pyrethroid Insecticide Effects on Pests and Beneficials in Field Corn (pdf)
Arrest These Early Season Soil Critters: Wireworm and White Grub Management (pdf)
Do Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments Impact Soil Health and Quality in Grain Crops? (pdf)
Evaluating Impacts of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments on Pests, Beneficial Arthropods, and Yield in Grain Crop Rotations (pdf)
Sorghum Growers Encouraged to Keep an Eye Out for Sugarcane Aphid this Season (pdf)